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Topographic map of the swamp near Jatznick: map of soil forms and water levels

  • Object
  • Horst Lehrkamp (Kartierung); Kurt Kilian (Ingenieurkartograph; Kartenentwurf); Christine Brüsseler (Zeichnerin; technische Ausfertigung)
  • Berlin (Stadt)
  • 1964

In order to make intensive use of the peatlands in the GDR, they were mapped from the 1950s onwards. Today, these maps are important sources for research into peatland protection. Peatlands cover only around three percent of the earth’s surface. For centuries, peatland draining was regarded as “melioration” (improvement), as the soil can be used for agriculture, and peat was long an important fuel. 95 % of German peatlands have been drained. One hectare of a heavily drained area can release as much carbon dioxide per year as about 200,000 kilometres driven with a combustion engine.

Detailed information

HU Moor-Archive of Humboldt University Berlin
Object type
Horst Lehrkamp (Kartierung); Kurt Kilian (Ingenieurkartograph; Kartenentwurf); Christine Brüsseler (Zeichnerin; technische Ausfertigung)
Place of origin
Berlin (Stadt)
Persons / Corporate bodies
Institut für Grünland und Moorforschung; Arbeitsgruppe Moorboden Berlin-Lichtenberg
Spraying method with Keilitz photo inks
Exhibition Format
Rights statement
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Moor Archive
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Exhibition & Module
HU01 After Nature / HU01 02 Main Hall - Modern Cabinet of Curiosities / HU01 02 03 Research Objects