Offshore sailboat from the island of Luf
- Auslegerboot
- Para-Mikronesien [Großregion]; Bismarck-Archipel [Inselgruppe]; Westliche Inseln [Inselgruppe]; Hermit [Inselgruppe]; Luf [Insel]; Papua-Neuguinea [Land]
- Eduard Hernsheim (22.5.1847 - 13.4.1917) [Veräußerer]; Max Thiel (1865-1939) [Sammler]
- 1890-1895
Men from Luf put out to sea in boats like this to, engage in trade and conduct war. The 19th century saw a dramatic drop in Luf's population from the diseases imported by Europeans, flooding, and famine. In 1882, many houses and boats on the island were destroyed because of a “punitive expedition” by German colonial rulers. Around 1890, the few remaining men once again built a large outrigger boat, which they were unable to launch. In 1903, the Hernsheim trading company purchased the boat and shipped it to Berlin.