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  • Kunstobjekt
  • Kollektiv
  • Berlin (Stadt)
  • 2017


"The stencil was developed when we were discussing whether someone simply is, or is caused to be, disabled. It occurred to us then that the motto of Lebenshilfe So everyone can belong doesn't work for us. We changed it to Because everyone belongs.

We printed the new motto – Weil jeder dazugehört – on T-shirts and wear them on many occasions. The great thing is that this motto includes everyone and doesn’t exclude anyone.

Our work in the group is always unpredictable. Many of us have strong ideas and try to push them through. But nobody wants one person to decide for everyone else."


Detailed information

Object type
Involved Persons/Corporate Bodies
Period Produced
Exhibition Format
Schablone auf Papier
Grafik Techniken
60 x 80 cm
Places / Cultures
Berlin (Stadt)
Exhibition & Module
SSB01 BERLIN GLOBAL / SSB01 Interconnection Open Space / SSB01 Un certain regard
Owner/Managing Institution
David Permantier
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